29 Ways to Use ChatGPT as a Marketer

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At the end of November, OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company, launched ChatGPT, an innovative chatbot.

If you weren’t aware of the hype around ChatGPT, it is based on OpenAI’s new GPT-3.5 natural language generation technology and is created in such a way that it can be used in a web browser, just like when you are talking with a colleague on Slack or getting customer support on a website.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a conversational language model developed by OpenAI. It is a variant of the GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer-3) model, which is a state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) system trained on a massive amount of data. ChatGPT is specifically designed to handle the challenges of open-domain conversation, such as maintaining context and coherence over extended dialogue. It is able to generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions and prompts, making it a powerful tool for applications like chatbots and virtual assistants.

GPT-3 is used by AI writing software such as Jasper, Writesonic, and Frase in order to generate content quickly and accurately. The software is able to generate content on any topic by leveraging the natural language processing capabilities of GPT-3. It can generate content in different formats, such as web articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and even SEO content.

As marketers, we can take advantage of this technology to engage with customers, increase brand awareness and grow our business.

To help, I have compiled an extensive list of 29 ways marketers can use ChatGPT to their advantage. From generating blog post ideas to creating engaging content and more, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for any marketer.

29 examples of how ChatGPT can benefit marketers:

1. Generate blog post ideas

ChatGPT can be used to generate creative and inspiring blog post ideas on any topic. All you need to do is type in “Generate blog post ideas about” followed by the topic of your choice. ChatGPT will then provide you with a range of ideas that you can use for your blog.

Generate blog post ideas


Generate blog post ideas about {topic}.


1. "The top 5 SEO trends to watch out for in 2022"
2. "How to use social media to boost your SEO"
3. "The role of backlinks in SEO"
4. "The importance of keyword research for SEO"
5. "How to create SEO-friendly content for your website"
6. "The benefits of local SEO for small businesses"
7. "A beginner's guide to technical SEO"
8. "The role of user experience in SEO"
9. "10 ways to improve your website's search engine rankings"
10. "The dos and don'ts of SEO: common mistakes to avoid"

2. Write Title for your blog post

ChatGPT can help you create custom-made meta titles for your website and blog posts that are specifically designed to improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking. These titles will be tailored to your individual needs, allowing you to make your website and blog posts more visible to potential customers and audiences.

Write Title for your blog post


Generate 5 Title tags for blog post: {keyword/topic}


1. "ChatGPT: The Future of Marketing is Here"
2. "Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy with ChatGPT"
3. "Maximize Your Marketing Efforts with ChatGPT"
4. "The Ultimate Marketing Tool: ChatGPT"
5. "ChatGPT: A Game-Changer for Marketers"

3. Write a Meta description for your blog post

Marketers can take advantage of the invaluable tool ChatGPT to create Meta descriptions that accurately summarize their blog posts. Natural language processing helps generate descriptions that are tailored to the post’s content, giving marketers a great way to boost their organic traffic.

Write Meta description for your blog post


Generate 2 Meta description tags for Google: {title or topic}


1. "Discover the top 7 SEO rank tracking software to help you monitor your search engine performance and improve your website's visibility. Choose the best option for your business needs."
2. "Stay ahead of the game with the best SEO rank tracking software. Our top 7 picks will help you track your website's search engine rankings and optimize your SEO strategy for success."

4. Rewrite with keywords

ChatGPT can be of tremendous help to marketers by rewriting content that is lacking keywords and phrases so that it can be optimized for higher search engine rankings. By utilizing the ChatGPT technology, marketers can make sure that their content is properly utilizing the right words and phrases that will increase their visibility on search engines. This will help them gain a larger audience and potentially generate more leads.

Rewrite with keywords


Rewrite: {text}
Include: {keywords}


"Get a leg up on the competition with the best rank tracking software. Our top 7 picks will help you monitor your website's search engine rankings and optimize your SEO strategy for success. Improve your visibility and drive more traffic to your site with the right SEO tools."

5. Rewrite content and make it unique

Marketers can benefit from using ChatGPT, an AI-powered technology that can reword copied material and help generate original content. This technology can make it easier for marketers to produce unique content without having to start from scratch, avoiding the risk of plagiarism.

Rewrite content and make it unique


Rephrase: {text}


"We've developed a conversational AI model called ChatGPT that can engage in dialogue and answer follow-up questions. Like its sibling model InstructGPT, ChatGPT is trained to understand prompts and provide detailed responses. However, ChatGPT is also able to admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect assumptions, and reject inappropriate requests."

6. Change the tone of your copy

ChatGPT can be employed to modify the language of your writing in order to be appropriate for the audience and the topic. For instance, you can switch from a rigid and formal tone to a more conversational and amiable one. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to personalize your writing, making it more relatable to your readers, and even allow you to experiment with different writing styles.

Change the tone of your copy


Rephrase: {text}
Tone: {tone}


"Hey there, thanks for visiting our website! We've got some pretty essential cookies working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. But don't worry, we're not alone - we've also enlisted the help of some cookies from other websites to bring you the best content around. So go ahead and enjoy your stay, and don't forget to give those hardworking cookies a little love."

7. Make your content easier to read

ChatGPT can be a useful tool to assist in making your content more comprehensible and available to your readers. It can help you to create content that is easier for people to understand and engage with.

Make your content easier to read


Rephrase in simple terms: {text}


“This model was trained using a type of artificial intelligence called reinforcement learning, which is a method that allows a model to learn from experience. The model was trained using data from human conversations, where people played both sides of the conversation. The people providing the data were given suggestions from the model to help them compose their responses. This type of training is similar to a method called InstructGPT, but there are some differences in the way the data was collected.”

8. Expand your content

Use ChatGPT to generate new content and expand the size of your existing text. By leveraging the power of natural language generation, ChatGPT can help you create fresh, engaging copy that is tailored to your specific needs. You can use ChatGPT to add extra detail, examples, or anecdotes that will help elongate your current copy and make it more informative and compelling.

Expand your content


Expand: {text}


“SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice of improving the ranking of a website on search engine results pages, with the goal of increasing the amount of organic, or unpaid, traffic that the website receives. This is done by using techniques to make the website more visible and relevant to search engines. By improving a website's position on search results pages, it is more likely to be seen by users, which can lead to an increase in traffic and potentially more business for the website.”

9. Make your content shorter

ChatGPT can help copywriters shorten their content by automatically generating concise written material. This AI-powered technology is designed to quickly create a summary of long-form documents, allowing copywriters to produce more concise content in less time.

Make your content shorter


Rephrase and make shorter: {text}


“SEO is the practice of improving a website's ranking on search engine results pages to increase organic traffic. This is done by making the website more visible and relevant to search engines. Higher rankings can lead to more traffic and potential business.”

10. Rephrase British English to American English

Marketers can benefit from using ChatGPT as it allows them to quickly and easily transform their content from British English to American English, or vice versa.

Rephrase British English to American English


Rewrite American English to British English: {text}


“We took the lift to the 10th floor.”

11. Generate Quora answers

ChatGPT can help you answer questions on Quora by providing automated responses based on advanced natural language processing technology.

Generate Quora answers


{Quora question}


“The AARRR is a framework for measuring the success of a startup. It stands for Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. These five metrics are used to track the progress of a startup and identify areas for improvement.

Acquisition refers to the number of users that a startup is able to attract and acquire. Activation measures how well the startup is able to engage and retain its users. Retention tracks how many users continue to use the startup's product or service over time. Referral measures the extent to which users are sharing the startup's product or service with others. Revenue tracks the amount of money that the startup is generating from its product or service. 

By tracking these metrics, a startup can gain insight into the effectiveness of its marketing and product development efforts, and make data-driven decisions to improve its performance. The AARRR framework was popularized by entrepreneur and investor Dave McClure.”

12. Transform text from passive to active voice

ChatGPT can help you make your writing more direct and clear by transforming passive voice into active voice. This can have a positive effect on your SEO, as the active voice is preferred by search engines. Additionally, your writing will be more engaging, allowing you to better communicate your message to your readers.

Transform text from passive to active voice


Rephrase text from passive to active voice: {text}


“Francesca wrote the blog post.”

13. AIDA framework

ChatGPT can be used to create content that effectively captures the reader’s attention, piques their interest, arouses their desire, and encourages them to take some action. AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) is a useful model for crafting persuasive content that inspires readers to act. ChatGPT can help to create content that follows this model, making it more effective and engaging for the reader.

AIDA framework


Rewrite using the AIDA framework: {text}


“Attention: HubSpot's CRM platform is comprehensive and offers tools and integrations for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

Interest: Each product in the platform is powerful on its own, but the true value is realized when they are used together. 

Desire: By using the platform's products together, you can achieve a level of efficiency and effectiveness that you wouldn't be able to with just one product. 

Action: Try out HubSpot's CRM platform and see how the different products can work together to help you grow your business.”

14. PAS framework

Develop content with ChatGPT by utilizing the PAS (Problem-Agitation-Solution) Framework. This method involves outlining a problem, agitating the issue to increase tension, and then providing a solution to address the problem. Through this framework, ChatGPT can be used to generate a more thorough and comprehensive approach to content creation.

PAS framework


Apply the PAS framework: {text}


“Problem: As a business owner, you need tools and integrations for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

Agitation: Using separate tools for each of these functions can be time-consuming and cumbersome, making it difficult to manage your business effectively. 

Solution: HubSpot's CRM platform offers a comprehensive solution with all the tools and integrations you need in one place. Plus, each product in the platform is powerful on its own, but the real value is realized when they are used together. 

Result: By using the platform's products together, you can streamline your processes and achieve a level of efficiency and effectiveness that you wouldn't be able to with just one product. Try out HubSpot's CRM platform and see the results for yourself.”

15. Generate Instagram captions

ChatGPT can help you come up with creative and engaging Instagram captions for your posts, reels and stories. Just enter keywords related to the content you are posting and ChatGPT will generate a variety of captions for you to choose from. With ChatGPT, you can create captions that are witty, clever, and attention-grabbing, ensuring that your content stands out from the crowd.

Generate Instagram captions


Generate {tone} Instagram Caption: {topic}


"Discover our new blog post about the best time to post on Instagram… unless you're like us and just post whenever you feel like it #spontaneous #noplanning"

16. Find Instagram hashtags for your post

Try using ChatGPT to explore the best Instagram hashtags for your next post. You can leverage the AI-powered technology to quickly view a list of relevant hashtags and find the ideal ones for your post.

Find Instagram hashtags for your post


Generate Instagram Hashtags: {topic}


“#instagram #blogger #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #contentmarketing #onlinemarketing #marketingtips #digitalmarketing #contentcreation #businessgrowth”

17. Get ideas for your next YouTube video

Try using ChatGPT to generate creative ideas for your next YouTube video. This AI-powered tool can help you come up with unique concepts and storylines that will make your video stand out and engage your viewers.

Get ideas for your next YouTube video


Generate {number} YouTube video ideas about: {topic}.


1. "Top 10 tips for successful social media marketing"
2. "How to create a social media marketing plan"
3. "The role of social media in building brand awareness"
4. "The impact of social media on consumer behavior"
5. "How to measure the success of your social media marketing efforts"

18. Generate catchy titles for your YouTube video

ChatGPT can be used to generate creative and attention-grabbing titles for your YouTube videos, which will help to boost your click-through rate.

Generate catchy titles for your YouTube video


Generate catchy YouTube Title: {topic}


Here are a few suggestions for a catchy YouTube title for a video about the best time to post on Instagram:

- "The Perfect Time to Post on Instagram: Boost Your Engagement and Grow Your Followers"
- "Maximize Your Reach on Instagram: The Best Times to Post for Maximum Engagement"
- "The Science of Instagram: When to Post for Maximum Engagement and Growth"
- "The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Timing: Boost Your Visibility and Grow Your Followers"
- "The Secret to Instagram Success: When to Post for Maximum Engagement and Growth"

19. Generate catchy YouTube descriptions

You can employ ChatGPT to generate captivating and fascinating descriptions for your YouTube videos, making them more appealing and interesting to viewers.

Generate catchy YouTube descriptions


Generate catchy YouTube video description: {topic}


“Are you tired of posting on Instagram without seeing the engagement and growth you desire? The time of day you post can make a huge difference in the success of your posts. In this video, we'll give you the insider tips on the best times to post on Instagram to boost your engagement and grow your followers. Don't miss out on these valuable tips - watch now and take your Instagram game to the next level!”

20. Generate YouTube video intros

ChatGPT can be used to generate custom YouTube video intros that are eye-catching and memorable. These intros should be designed to grab the attention of the viewer and draw them in before the video even begins, making them more likely to watch the entire thing.

Generate YouTube video intros


Generate intro for YouTube video: {topic}


“Hey there! Are you struggling to get the engagement and growth you want on Instagram? The time of day you post can play a huge role in the success of your posts. In this video, we're going to share with you the best times to post on Instagram to boost your engagement and grow your followers. Watch now and learn how to take your Instagram game to the next level!”

21. Generate Tweets

ChatGPT can be used to create tweets automatically by using a natural language processing (NLP) model.

Generate Tweets


Generate tweet: {topic}


"Want to boost your Instagram engagement and grow your followers? The time of day you post can make a big difference. Check out our tips for the perfect time to post on Instagram! #InstagramTips #GrowYourFollowers"

22. Create Twitter threads on your topic

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can help you easily create Twitter threads on any topic.

Create Twitter threads on your topic


Generate Twitter thread: {topic}


1. “Did you know that the time of day you post on Instagram can impact the success of your posts?”
2. “Studies have shown that certain times of day tend to have higher levels of engagement on the platform.”
3. “To maximize your chances of success, try posting during peak times when your audience is most active.”
4. “This could mean posting during lunchtime, in the evening, or on weekends.”
5. “Experiment with different times and track your engagement to see what works best for your specific audience.”
6. “Remember, consistency is key - make sure to post regularly to keep your followers engaged.”
7. “Follow these tips to find the perfect time to post on Instagram and grow your audience! #InstagramTips #GrowYourFollowers”

23. Email subject

With ChatGPT’s powerful AI technology, you can quickly generate compelling and engaging email subject lines that will increase your open rate. By utilizing this tool, you can easily create subject lines that are personalized and relevant to your audience, helping to ensure maximum engagement and success.

Email subject


Create email subject line: {topic}


"Maximize Your Online Presence with Our SEO Services"

24. Generate email backlink outreach template

If you want to increase the number of backlinks to your website, ChatGPT can be a great tool for generating an effective email template for backlink outreach. The template can be tailored to your specific needs and can be used to reach out to relevant websites to establish relationships and gain backlinks.

Generate email backlink outreach template


Create link building email template.


“Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Title] at [Your Company]. I recently came across your website and was really impressed by the high-quality content you produce.

As part of our link building strategy, we are always on the lookout for relevant and authoritative websites to link to. Your website fits this criteria perfectly and we would be honored if you would consider linking to us.

Our website offers valuable information on [Your Website's Focus] and we believe it would be a valuable resource for your readers. In return, we would be happy to include a backlink to your website on one of our pages.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this further.

Best regards,
[Your Name]”

25. Generate guest post email template

ChatGPT can assist you in creating an effective email template that can be used to pitch a guest post on other websites in order to increase the visibility of your website. This email template can be tailored to encourage other websites to feature content from your website, thus increasing the number of visitors that come to your website. Additionally, by pitching for guest posts, you will be able to reach a new audience, thus expanding the reach of your website.

Generate guest post email template


Create guest post email template.


“Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Title] at [Your Company]. I recently came across your website and was really impressed by the high-quality content you produce.

I am reaching out to you today because I am interested in writing a guest post for your website. I have been following your work for some time and I am confident that I have a unique and valuable perspective to offer your readers.

My proposed topic is [Proposed Topic]. I believe this topic would be of interest to your audience and would provide valuable information and insights.

In return, I would be happy to include a backlink to your website in the post and promote the post on my own social media channels.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this further.

Best regards,
[Your Name]”

26. Generate cold email template

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used to generate automated email templates that can help to generate leads. By providing the necessary information to ChatGPT, it can then create customised emails tailored to a specific target audience, which can increase the effectiveness of lead generation.

Generate cold email template


Create cold email template: {topic}


“Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Title] at [Your Company], a company that specializes in providing SEO services.

I am reaching out to you today because I believe our services could help your business improve its online presence. As you may know, search engine optimization is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. By improving your website's search engine rankings, you can increase your visibility, attract more traffic, and ultimately drive more leads and sales.

At [Your Company], we have a team of experienced SEO professionals who can help you improve your website's search engine rankings. Our services include [List of Services].

If you are interested in learning more, I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss your specific needs and how we can help.

Best regards,
[Your Name]”

27. Group keywords by themes

ChatGPT can be used to organize your keywords into distinct themes, which can be very helpful when creating and optimizing your cost-per-click (CPC) campaigns. By grouping keywords into themed clusters, you can target more specific audiences, more efficiently allocate your budget, and improve the overall performance of your campaigns.

Group keywords by themes


Create keyword clusters: {keywords}


“Cluster 1: Best time to post on social media platforms
"best time to post on instagram"
"best time to post on tiktok"
"best time to post on facebook"
"best time to post on youtube"
"best time to post on linkedin"

Cluster 2: Best time to post on specific days
"best time to post on instagram on monday"

Cluster 3: Best time to post specific types of content
"best time to post reels on instagram"

Cluster 4: Best time to post in specific time frames
"best time to post on instagram today"
"best time to post on tiktok 2022"
"best time to post on instagram 2022"”

28. Write Google Ads headlines

Generate Google Ads headlines using ChatGPT to maximize your click-through rate and drive more traffic to your website.

Write Google Ads headlines


Write 5 Google Ads Headlines: {topic}


1. "Streamline your social media strategy with our management tool"
2. "Simplify your social media management with our all-in-one tool"
3. "Save time and effort with our social media management tool"
4. "Elevate your social media presence with our comprehensive management tool"
5. "Manage all your social media accounts in one place with our tool"

29. Write Google Ads descriptions

ChatGPT is a great tool for crafting persuasive Google Ads descriptions that can take your conversion rate to the next level. It helps to generate optimized content that will resonate with your target audience and drive more clicks on your ads. With its AI-powered technology, ChatGPT can help you create effective Google Ads descriptions that can significantly improve your campaign performance.

Write Google Ads descriptions


Write 5 Google Ads Descriptions: {topic}


1. "Our social media management tool lets you schedule and post to all your accounts in one place, saving you time and effort. Try it now for free!"
2. "Effortlessly manage all your social media accounts and schedule posts with our user-friendly tool. Start your free trial today!"
3. "Our social media management tool offers everything you need to optimize your online presence, including analytics and engagement tracking. Sign up now!"
4. "Take control of your social media strategy with our comprehensive management tool. Try it risk-free today and see the difference it can make!"
5. "Simplify your social media management and save time with our easy-to-use tool. Sign up now and start maximizing your online presence!"


In conclusion, ChatGPT offers a wide range of benefits for marketers looking to improve their daily operations. From generating unique content to YouTube video ideas, ChatGPT is a versatile and powerful tool for any modern marketer. Whether you’re a small business owner, a social media manager, or an e-commerce specialist, ChatGPT can help you achieve your goals and drive success for your business. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities and intuitive interface, ChatGPT is a valuable asset for any marketer looking to stay ahead of the curve and provide a better experience for their customers.